We encourage all parishioners to sign up for automatic withdrawal for their weekly donation to the church. Automatic withdrawal enables the parish to manage our budget by providing an even cashflow throughout the year. When attendance varies, our cashflow remains consistent. To signify that you have signed up for automatic withdrawal, we provide a donor card that will be in your envelop slot so you can deposit that into the collection plate to indicate you donate automatically.
Make it easy to donate to the parish.
Click on “Register Now” image on the right to download the
“Pre-Authorized Payment Authorization Form”
If you are having any question or difficulty filling out the form,
please email: [email protected]
Here’s how it works:
- Place your recyclables into a clear or blue bag that are available at almost any grocery or drug store.
- You don’t need to count or separate your containers.
- Bring your bagged containers to the nearest Express Depot.
- At the kiosk, enter the church phone number:
604-341-2600 (Bruce Hitchen)
- Select the number of bags you are dropping off and print tags.
- Place the bag (with sticker attached) on the drop off area and you’re done.
- The church will receive credits for all returns and a cheque will be issued to us at our request.
- Click here to find a Return-it Express location near you.
- If you don’t have a Return-it Express location near you then bring your recyclables tot eh church in a clear or blue bag and someone will return them on your bahalf.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross Parish
Ukrainian Catholic Church
208 – 17665 66A Avenue | Surrey, BC. V3S 2A7 | 604-584-4421 | [email protected]